This story begins with a girl who lives in a small town called mellow. She lives with her two brothers Jack and been and her mother; they all lived in a small house just down the road from the Cornwall woods. The woods had been there for over two hundred years and people always say don’t go in there because people don’t come out the same.
And so one cold morning Pam went out for a walk with her brothers They went for a walk down to the Cornwall woods and as they were entering the woods They heard a sound coming from up in the trees but they did not know what tree it was coming from because there were so many trees so they all kept walking.
And then so Pam told her brothers we should split up so we can find out what that sound is she said it could be someone needing help and after she said that she heard that same sound again but only this time
It was closer to her and Her brothers and so she told them let’s get out of here but as they started walking they saw a shadow slip behind a tree they all stood still like a frozen ice block.
Then been told Pam i want to go home i’m scared and so he started to cry and Pam tried to calm him down and then when they both turned around they said to each other where is jack he was gone nowhere to be seen and so they told them self that they were going to be OK and so Pam said we need to split up to find jack and so the did and so Pam started walking further into the woods and been started walking towards the exit so if he couldn't find jack he can go and get help.
And when Pam got half way into the woods she seen jack sitting down on a old tree branch and so she helped him down to the exit and they meet up with been and they were so happy to see each other and so they all walked home and they all got back and they started noticing that jack was acting a bit strange
And so Pam and been were thinking it could be because of the woods and the sounds we heard and what we saw slip behind the and so Pam said that is why people don’t go in there and so they keep a close eyes on jack
Every day.
:To be continued
Hi Ani - fantastic writing you did. Just remember to read your story again before posting, to make sure everything makes sense and that you didn’t leave anything out. Keep up the great work